Posts Tagged ‘Security’

Hybrid Cloud Solutions: The Secret Weapon for Business Success

More businesses are choosing to adopt the hybrid cloud model with their computing and data storage needs. This approach involves the integration of on-premises infrastructure (such as dedicated servers) or private cloud ...

Don’t Fall Victim: Protecting Your Business from Malicious Web App Downloads

Progressive web applications are valuable for business owners. These tools allow your customers or employees to view and navigate your brand’s online pages more easily than traditional apps. PWAs enhance the user ...

Understanding Data Breaches: What Businesses Need to Know

Running a business means constantly collecting customer data, like identity and behavioral information, and using it to personalize user experiences and complete orders. Without it, a company would struggle to function and ...

Beware of This New Windows Search Malware

Sending emails helps you communicate with employees, especially remote ones for whom you need to make extra efforts to keep in the loop. You send your workers messages, links, attachments, and invoices ...

The Importance of Regular IT Audits

Are you aware of your company’s security risks? Do you know if you have adequate protection in place to stop cyber threats? Are you certain that you’re in compliance with all applicable ...

Apple’s New Password Manager

If you’re a business owner and a long-time Apple user, you’re likely aware of and use iCloud Keychain for your company. This built-in password manager offers unique autofill, sync, and recovery features ...

Securing Your Business With Multi-Factor Authentication

Most people expect to enter a username and password to access secure networks and accounts online. They also expect that password protection for sensitive data will stop unauthorized access. Unfortunately, single-factor authentication ...

Zoom Introduces Post-Quantum End-to-End Encryption

Zoom Introduces Post-Quantum End-to-End Encryption The security features of Zoom are getting a big boost. Post-quantum end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is now available in Zoom Meetings. This new encryption standard will soon be ...

Protecting Your Business from Malvertising

Your business operates in a very different space to a few decades back. Before, everyone threw around ideas for cold calls and advertising gimmicks at in-person meetings. Today, business owners and employees ...

New Ransomware Could Pose a Threat to Businesses

In recent months, cybersecurity researchers have found that a new ransomware strain has been affecting certain businesses using Windows desktops and devices that are still relying on old operating systems. Below, we’ll ...


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